Splash Heart - 8 x 10 Prints (with black ink trim)

Here is a small collection of digitally enhanced watercolour & inked painted prints, sized as  8x10. These pieces are designed with the black border printed around them (and is not a hard frame) and are numbered versus named.

If you'd like a version without the black ink, or a specific size, please do send a note.


Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)
Regular price $25.00 CAD (+shipping)